Friday, October 30, 2009

Unbelievable - Illegal Immigrant groups

This was sent to me by a friend this morning. It makes me sick. And it is accepted.

Check out this article on Lou Dobbs, who was apparently shot at outside his

My favorite part is when William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal
Immigration says "it's very likely Dobbs' outspokenness on illegal
immigration led to the shooting."

Said in a matter-of-fact way, it is absurd that this man doesn't seem
shocked that Dobbs was shot at. This is unbelievable. We're okay with
illegal immigrant groups coming after an independent talk show host?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where are all you privacy fanatics?

Let me just ask this simple question. Where are all of the "privacy advocacy" people during this health care debate?

You know, last time I was at the doctor's office, I was one of the many people patiently waiting their turn to be seen. As the receptionist came out each time to call the next patient's name, I noticed a trend - the first name was called, followed by only the first letter of the last name (Ted M.? Ted M.?) I started to wonder, why doesn't she just call the person's full name? I mean, there is bound to be an occasion where there are two people in the room who share the same first name, and first letter of their last name, right?

So, this lead me to think further, as I am a "critical thinker", like our President, does this have something to do with privacy? HIPAA - that is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - was created in 1996 by the Department of Civil Rights (duh!), and honestly, we have all been in a situation where we were presented a piece of HIPAA paperwork to sign, and yet trying to read and understand it was like trying to decode hieroglyphics.

So, and think about this for a minute, where the hell are all of these people who are HIP-ites? PRIVACY is directly connected to health, right? So, if the government seizes control of our health care, does that mean that they seize control of our privacy? I think so, don't you?

Where's the outrage?

Oh, wait. I forgot. It is a Democratic, black man leading the charge. He just happens to be the President. So, obviously, you must be a racist if you disagree with the agenda. Duh.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The last place trophy

How many more times are we going to say to our children, or our students, "Great job, you got a 50!"? "Wow, you came in dead last! Awesome, you rock!"

There is, and has been a mentality that there are no losers. I'm all for that - no one should be called a loser for TRYING. No one should be made fun of. FOR TRYING. Yes? I think we understand that. However, there is a distinct line in the sand when it comes to defining a "job well done", deserving of a good grade or high commendation, and a "half - ass" job, with little or no effort put in. What I make of this is that we all of a sudden have a new generation emerging - the "Entitlist" generation.
Look, I am a recent college graduate. I landed a good job, actually two, soon after I graduated. I consider myself lucky. But let's not forget- my being hired twice already is a reflection of my merit, not the color of my skin, or another similar deciding factor. Back to my point. I can't stomach the typical college student - and this may be a broad generalization- that wants to save the planet by wearing Birkenstocks and riding a bike to work, and never misses an opportunity to lecture you on how you are a hater, bigot, racist, capitalist loving homophobe. But this same person does not declare a major, and decides to either use their college education to "find themselves" and out they come with their liberal arts degree. (I did not capitalize because in my humble opinion, that does not constitute a college education, much less warrant a degree from a so called institution of higher learning.)
OK, out into reality we go. Two choices: stay for another degree, or look for a job. Either is a personal decision - I get it - and I chose the former. But that was my choice, and everyone should chose wisely. Wisely. That is the key word here. Now, what the hell can you do with a degree in liberal arts? Is it a resume builder? A standout in the giant pile of other job applications? Hmm...don't think so. So now we have the same person who was told, "It's OK if you fail your tests, come in last place every time, dress like a clown, speak like an ignoramus, and don't like to bathe on a regular basis. It's OK."
News flash- there are thousands of people walking around out there, who were spoon fed this mentality, and it has produced a certain type of individual. One who will reason with a child instead of teaching discipline, one who will blame the process and not the product, one who will avoid work to gain success, and finally, one who will be granted something they are unqualified and undeserving of.
I always thought that if you worked hard at something, you would get what you wanted. It may not happen instantly, but just putting in the effort was something that was part of the pay-off. I find myself in a minority today. Look, I'm no preacher, and I'm not going to say it wouldn't be great to win the lottery and not have to work anymore. But the path that I take - work, and then get - is no longer what is "mainstream". The "Entitlist" must have everything, now, without putting in the work. Sorry people, but I don't buy it, and I never will. You want something? Go get it. And if you come in last place, it's not "Great job!" It's "try again, and you will get it."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ignorance, Apathy, or Indifference?

Universal health care. Excuse me, health care "reform". The dollar, which for those of you who don't know or care, is tanking. The United States military, left to fend for itself amidst a mess in Afghanistan. And a President who, instead of actually producing his real birth certificate, appears on 5 prime time comedy programs. Is this the twilight zone?

I'll never understand some people. It's just not going to happen. But what I do understand is that the average person is naive. "Oh, you're just blowing this way out of proportion." "They're not czars like, yunno, in Russia." OK. Unfortunately, until a dog has its bone taken away, leaving no other option but to raid the bathroom trash can out of sheer boredom, will some people realize what is really going on here, and what is actually at stake.

Let me pose a question. Answer honestly. If there is someone out there that can find another country - not a third world country, or a crime infested cess pool -I mean a major country, that has the kind of government involvement that we re heading towards, that WORKS, please, enlighten me. We live in a world where people who write tax code don't pay taxes. OK, nothing new there. How about a "health care reform" bill that exempts the authors, yet you are supposed to blindly accept it because it is an African American President who is pushing the agenda, and if you don't, you are a racist? OK, pushing it a little bit. How about the fact that we are so far in debt that it is virtually impossible to sustain the dollar as the world's leading currency? OK, now you have my attention. "Oh, well yunno, whatever, it's just not that important, there are other means to define currency besides the dollar." OK. Now you are pushing the boundaries of stupidity. When you realize, or rather, after I tell you that your children are now indebted to China as soon as they pop out of the womb, maybe that will wake some of you up.

Has anyone checked with Saudi Arabia lately on what their take is on all of this? Didn't think so. Because if you did, I don't think you'd like the answer. (ps- they would love to see the dollar fall, because that is the currency that oil is bought and sold on, and so they could give the U.S. an even bigger middle finger than they already do). Now, I am no genius. I teach little kids how to play band instruments. But what I am seeing is this coy, sly and ever so noticeable trend towards bringing the United States to its knees, at the feet of some of the most corrupt nations that exist.

Back to health care. It's not free, there, I said it. And people are going to suffer as a result. All of you bleeding hearts, listen, I'm all for helping people. But I am not for hurting people as collateral to my plan. Let me spell it out in crayon: INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY IS WHAT MAKES THIS COUNTRY GREAT.
Let's take all of the countries who have socialized medicine. Actually, no, let's take a well known government run operation. The DMV. Yes, the DMV. You know, that place where everyone loves going, because of its easy to understand forms, friendly and helpful staff, and prompt, accurate service, with no long lines. Now apply that when you need to visit a hospital. We've all been on line at a hospital, or sat in our physician's waiting room longer than we were supposed to. But let's get real, this is not about helping you, the poor, the uninsured, the blacks, the whites, the rich, the middle class. It is about control. Control of your life. I don't like it, I don't want it, and I reject it. When will you?