Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dear Mr. President


President Obama, your contingent of intelligencia is wrong. They have been affected by
embracing incorrect beliefs and wrong headed heroes. They have been affected by the hypnotic spell which was cast upon them, by minds so diabolical as to attempt to radically morph the most successful and civilized way of life yet conceived. They think that anything which is not government oriented and controlled, is not comprehensible.
In this great country of ours, man is a mere ant, in his influence and his intellect. But when the ants of this country are marshalled to action, both in physical and intellectual strength, mountains can be moved, policies can change and political regimes can be shown the door, thus preserving the American system of capitalism and free enterprise.
Yes, Mr. President, there is an opposition majority. We exist as certainly as your attempt to reduce and eliminate our freedoms. And you know that they abound, giving our way of life a certain uniqueness, which is the envy of the entire world. Alas, how dreary would the United States be if all we had to look forward to was what the State was going to supply and how much. It would be as dreary as existing in the former Soviet Union, where individual incentive took a back seat to the central source of all power- the State.
If your position on the value of human life were in existence before you were born, perhaps there would be no Barack Obama today, and what a pity that would indeed be. The eternal light which is the United States, as exemplified in the Statue of Liberty fills the world and is on the threshold of being extinguished.
Not believe in freedom and the American system of government, and strive to sustain them? You might as well get out the hammer and sickle now and spare us the drama.
No one sees our freedoms and liberties, but that is not a sign that they should be dispensed with. The most real characteristics of our system of government are not those we can see, but those we can experience. Freedom, justice, liberty, the right to work as hard as we desire and to reap the rewards of such, without government peering over our shoulder ensuring that some ill conceived equality be satisfied, must and will continue to be our incentive.
Mr. President, you and your cohorts may dismantle our system of government, our freedoms, our liberties, but neither you nor an army of your peers will even vanquish our zest for the gift which our founding fathers gave us and for which so many have paid the ultimate price to preserve. Ah, Mr. President, in all this world, there is nothing as comforting and secure as our system of government. Thank God for what we have, and to those who are bold enough to try to take it from us, beware, the opposition majority will mobilize and you will be political history.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Great article


For those out there who are tired of being told how horrible their country is

Why no one cares

It's amazing. You ask the average person, "Who's Van Jones?" and they look at you like you have 5 heads. But you ask them, "Who's Kim Kardashian?" and they could give you a doctoral thesis.
This is a turning point in our history. We have reached a time in our country where the powers that be are so out of touch with reality that we have people like Sen. Charlie Rangel, who is one of the biggest crooks you could imagine, is writing tax code. Or Tim Geithner, head of the IRS, who is a tax cheat. But this is on TV every night - if you search for it. On my TV, it's channel 118, Fox News. Why is Fox News demonized? Because they are presenting the side of the argument that is meant to be kept a secret. But wait, let's look at the ratings. Fox News is the most watched channel in the news. Go look it up. I bet Keith Olbermann hasn't slept in months, since no one watches him.

If you watch Glenn Beck like I do, and wonder "what he hell can I do?", here's your answer. VOTE. Or as MTV like to say, "Rock the Vote". Show up to the polls. I do think that there are some good people left in Washington. There are plenty of dirty, corrupt puss eating politicians on both sides that have been selling this country down the river for some time now. But there are some left that are honest, law abiding citizens, that want to serve their country, and care about its future.

This past election year, we saw the Democratic machine at work. They got out there and won the confidence of certain people, in a much debated way. Lying. You're not going to watch World News with Charlie Gibson, and find out that dead people voted in the election. It's just not going to happen. I think enough people are fed up with the mainstream media. It's clear who is pulling the strings. Don't know what to do? DON'T WATCH IT. As ratings continue to plummet, eventually it will reach a point - start reporting news, or get on the unemployment line.

The point of all of this? Sometimes you have to beat people at their own game. Everyone loves to lecture us on how we "can't torture", or how we have to "lead by example". Pull out a history book. Remember the French and Indian war? The British, clad in bright red marching through the woods to the beat of a drum, got massacred by the Indians (allied with the French) waiting in the woods. It was called guerilla warfare. Not until the British realized that they were obvious, easy targets and employed another strategy- similar to the one that was defeating them- did they begin to make headway against their enemise. We live in a nation that wants to read a terrorist miranda rights, yet that same terrorist would sent his own offspring into a crowded American city with a bomb strapped to himself in the name of Allah. Where is that in the Koran?

The age of nievety has to end. Go to the polls - things you have never voted on before. Vote people out that do not deserve to be there. Beat them at their own game - and don't forget, there's plenty of available real estate in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan if America is so horrible.